Publish and Host

This section assumes that you have a repository called foo with content in it. To do this, see the Synchronize a Repository or Upload and Manage Content documentation.

Create a Publication

Create a publication from the latest repository version. This prepares the meta-data needed to distribute the content of the repository on a /universe endpoint. However, creating a publication distributes no content to the outside. This has to be done in a separate step.

export REPO_HREF=$(http $BASE_ADDR/pulp/api/v3/repositories/cookbook/cookbook/?name=foo | jq -r '.results[0].pulp_href')
export LATEST_VERSION_HREF=$(http $BASE_ADDR$REPO_HREF | jq -r '.latest_version_href')
task_result=$(pulp_http POST $BASE_ADDR/pulp/api/v3/publications/cookbook/cookbook/ repository_version=$LATEST_VERSION_HREF)
echo "$task_result"
export PUBLICATION_HREF=$(echo "$task_result" | jq -r '.created_resources[0]')


    "child_tasks": [],
    "created_resources": [
    "error": null,
    "finished_at": "2020-08-31T18:56:04.875990Z",
    "name": "",
    "parent_task": null,
    "progress_reports": [
            "code": "publishing.content",
            "done": 18,
            "message": "Publishing Content",
            "state": "completed",
            "suffix": null,
            "total": null
    "pulp_created": "2020-08-31T18:56:04.575918Z",
    "pulp_href": "/pulp/api/v3/tasks/9bd500b9-3a5e-4a80-a8f1-77b086f48fa6/",
    "reserved_resources_record": [
    "started_at": "2020-08-31T18:56:04.775986Z",
    "state": "completed",
    "task_group": null,
    "worker": "/pulp/api/v3/workers/7a1130eb-8483-418f-a370-cecf0e63f60b/"

Create a Distribution foo for the Publication

Actually distribute the publication created in the last step at a specific path. The base path is foo in this case. The publication will be distributed at /pulp_cookbook/content/foo/universe on the content endpoint (which is on port 24816 in our example).

pulp_http POST $BASE_ADDR/pulp/api/v3/distributions/cookbook/cookbook/ name='foo' base_path='foo' publication=$PUBLICATION_HREF
export DISTRIBUTION_HREF=$(http $BASE_ADDR/pulp/api/v3/distributions/cookbook/cookbook/?name=foo | jq -r '.results[0].pulp_href')


    "child_tasks": [],
    "created_resources": [
    "error": null,
    "finished_at": "2020-08-31T18:56:06.166432Z",
    "name": "",
    "parent_task": null,
    "progress_reports": [],
    "pulp_created": "2020-08-31T18:56:05.823671Z",
    "pulp_href": "/pulp/api/v3/tasks/3b12f649-46f0-471c-be40-7596fd2c9b04/",
    "reserved_resources_record": [
    "started_at": "2020-08-31T18:56:06.032185Z",
    "state": "completed",
    "task_group": null,
    "worker": "/pulp/api/v3/workers/714038d7-7077-43c5-b980-c9be814dcaa0/"

You can have a look at the published “universe” metadata now:

pulp_http $CONTENT_ADDR/pulp_cookbook/content/foo/universe


    "pulp": {
        "0.1.1": {
            "dependencies": {
                "qpid": ">= 0.0.0"
            "download_url": "",
            "location_path": "",
            "location_type": "uri"
    "qpid": {
        "0.1.3": {
            "dependencies": {
                "yum": ">= 0.0.0",
                "yum-epel": ">= 0.0.0"
            "download_url": "",
            "location_path": "",
            "location_type": "uri"
    "ubuntu": {
        "0.7.0": {
            "dependencies": {
                "apt": ">= 0.0.0"
            "download_url": "",
            "location_path": "",
            "location_type": "uri"
        "0.99.0": {
            "dependencies": {
                "apt": ">= 0.0.0"
            "download_url": "",
            "location_path": "",
            "location_type": "uri"
        "1.0.0": {
            "dependencies": {
                "apt": ">= 0.0.0"
            "download_url": "",
            "location_path": "",
            "location_type": "uri"
        "1.1.0": {
            "dependencies": {
                "apt": ">= 0.0.0"
            "download_url": "",
            "location_path": "",
            "location_type": "uri"
        "1.1.2": {
            "dependencies": {
                "apt": ">= 0.0.0"
            "download_url": "",
            "location_path": "",
            "location_type": "uri"
        "1.1.4": {
            "dependencies": {
                "apt": ">= 0.0.0"
            "download_url": "",
            "location_path": "",
            "location_type": "uri"
        "1.1.6": {
            "dependencies": {
                "apt": ">= 0.0.0"
            "download_url": "",
            "location_path": "",
            "location_type": "uri"
        "1.1.8": {
            "dependencies": {
                "apt": ">= 0.0.0"
            "download_url": "",
            "location_path": "",
            "location_type": "uri"
        "1.2.0": {
            "dependencies": {
                "apt": ">= 0.0.0"
            "download_url": "",
            "location_path": "",
            "location_type": "uri"
        "1.2.1": {
            "dependencies": {
                "apt": ">= 0.0.0"
            "download_url": "",
            "location_path": "",
            "location_type": "uri"
        "2.0.0": {
            "dependencies": {
                "apt": ">= 0.0.0"
            "download_url": "",
            "location_path": "",
            "location_type": "uri"
        "2.0.1": {
            "dependencies": {
                "apt": ">= 0.0.0"
            "download_url": "",
            "location_path": "",
            "location_type": "uri"
        "3.0.0": {
            "dependencies": {},
            "download_url": "",
            "location_path": "",
            "location_type": "uri"
        "3.0.1": {
            "dependencies": {},
            "download_url": "",
            "location_path": "",
            "location_type": "uri"
        "3.0.2": {
            "dependencies": {},
            "download_url": "",
            "location_path": "",
            "location_type": "uri"
        "3.0.3": {
            "dependencies": {},
            "download_url": "",
            "location_path": "",
            "location_type": "uri"

Use Berkshelf with the published repo

Create a Berksfile with the following content:

source 'http://localhost/pulp_cookbook/content/foo/'

cookbook 'ubuntu'

And run:

$ berks install

Resolving cookbook dependencies...
Fetching cookbook index from http://localhost:24816/pulp_cookbook/content/foo/...
Installing apt (7.0.0) from http://localhost:24816/pulp_cookbook/content/foo/ ([uri] http://localhost:24816/pulp_cookbook/content/foo/cookbook_files/apt/7_0_0/apt-7.0.0.tar.gz)
Installing ubuntu (2.0.1) from http://localhost:24816/pulp_cookbook/content/foo/ ([uri] http://localhost:24816/pulp_cookbook/content/foo/cookbook_files/ubuntu/2_0_1/ubuntu-2.0.1.tar.gz)